What Is Article Writing? That Engages and Converts

What is article writing and its types?

If you have outstanding ideas, you want to share with readers all over the world the best way to share your ideas, thoughts, and opinions with the reader is by writing an article. There are several ways you can use if you want effective writing in your article. In this article, we will discuss all the major tips and tricks in writing an article along with do’s and don’ts.

This article encompasses all the information regarding what is article writing and further explanation about the types of articles. If you write a good quality article you won’t only get noticed by search engines but you will also get some potential readers.

You can develop a healthy relationship with those readers. This can also help a writer to spread awareness regarding any topic as the demand for article writers is getting stronger day by day.


Article writing is quite fun for those who want to share their thoughts and feelings through. It can be a dream work for some people and others it can be just a task for the employer but to excel in this skill there is a high demand for voice and writing competency.

What Is Article Writing That Engages and Converts

When you are a beginner in article writing you face several challenges even if you have a very clear idea of the topic as you don’t know what audience will prefer and which format is better for attracting the readers. All you have to do is stay calm and focus and never lose hope. Once you are into this field the road will get much smoother and you will easily fit in.

Article writers are responsible for creating an image in the reader’s mind and influencing their thinking as well. Even if you are writing someone else vision your writing skills can make it worth reading for your readers.

There are many article writers with success stories who have a good online presence and share their journey from scratch. It’s all about your patience and hard work. Every industry needs an article writer to grow from videogames to healthcare or even the IT  industry but the articles have to be good in quality, original, and consistent.

What is article writing and its types?

Article writing is mostly written for newspapersmagazines, and journals to make a difference in the world. Writers must conduct extensive research to develop an excellent article. It requires massive writing skills as it needs to communicate with a larger audience. Its purpose is to pass information to the masses regarding various topics. What is article writing?

You will learn, what is article writing and its purpose in this article. Furthermore, you can also get familiar with the types of article writing and its objectives. As article writing needs extensive writing skills, some writers fail to write an excellent article; for those writers, this article will shed light on some steps and tips for article writing.

What is an article?

To find out what is article writing we should learn first what is article. It is a piece of writing written for a larger audience. The articles’ topic can be on serious issues or any simple light topic. However, most of the article writers focus on writing about some current issues.

Article writing is a straightforward piece of writing as it is written for every type of audience; its tone and language should be simple so that it can be easy to read for any kind of audience.

Types of Article Writing

Article writing is a step-by-step procedure to write down your thoughts and share a topic that people are interested in. The only difference in the types of articles is how articles are written down and what type of message are you going to deliver to your audience as well. Article writing can be descriptive and narrative, like online article writing and freelance article writing, as it can be written per the client’s instructions.

Other than descriptive and narrative article writing, there are persuasive and expository article writingSEO is the most popular article writing these days as it focuses on search engine optimization to rank the article in the top search of Google.

  1.   Online Article writing
  2.   Magazine article writing
  3.   SEO article writing
  4.   Freelance article writing

Types of Articles Depending On Their Purpose

To understand what is article writing, it’s better to learn about the purpose of article writing. The article writings are divided into 4 categories depending on their purpose. Let’s discuss what types of article writing are there one by one.

  1. Expository Writing

Every action that a person delivers has some intention. For example, you are reading this article to learn about article writing its types, and ways of writing the best article. It’s better to know what message you want to deliver to the readers for writing a successful article. These expository articles are the most common articles available. Expository writing is article writing about sharing facts and information regarding any topic. These are answering all the ‘how to’ questions.

These articles are mostly published in journals and are also known as research articles. This type of article has a logical structure and helps the readers to understand new concepts. Most of the articles that are available online are a form of expository articles as they are written by organizations and they mostly demonstrate their facts and expertise to the reader to spread awareness. The best way to do expository writing is to avoid writing any opinions regarding the topic.

The objectives of expository article writing are

  • To do an explanation of any ongoing project.
  • To give the facts and figures of any topic.
  • To write down and deliver the process of doing anything in a step-by-step logical order.
  1. Persuasive Writing

There are many situations in life where you want to convince someone or even some people to do something or accept something. Your persuasive skills matter in this scenario. Persuasive writing articles are articles that contain more emotions than expository writing. The purpose of this type of article is to motivate the readers regarding any specific action.

This type of article helps you to connect to the readers and their current situation along with understanding their problems and offering solutions. This type of article is mostly written to benefit the readers by solving their problems through the recommended action. We persuade the reader with the help of this article. In short, the power of the reader’s mind is in the hands of the persuasive writer.

The objective of persuasive writing is

  • To convey an argument to convince your audience.
  • To deliver your point of view in the reader’s mind.
  • To give a clear reason so that readers can accept someone’s opinion.
  1. Narrative Writing

You have to be genius if you want to do a narrative article writing. The articles with the purpose of storytelling are known as narrative writing. It can be sometimes a form of persuasive writing as well but it has a strong introduction with a rising action along with a climax followed by a resolution.

The major aim of this type of writing is to inform, persuade, and connect with the readers. The writer of this article helps the reader to have a journey of the writer in his mind and through that journey the readers can have a better understanding of a new concept. It is the best writing that can be used for businesses to connect with their customers.

The objective of narrative article writing is to deliver a story or a tale to your audience.

  1. Descriptive Writing

Being specific is the key to success in writing a descriptive article. This writing consists of in-depth knowledge about the topic that the writer is going to write. The articles that come under the umbrella of descriptive writing are those that describe a product and its features along with elaboration on how this can benefit the customers.

This writing helps the reader to set a scene and gain knowledge about any place, thing, or experience. The writers help these readers in having a piece of sensory information by setting a scene for them through their writings. The writers of this type of article create the scene by describing the atmosphere, environment, and information about what is happening in the writing.

The objective of descriptive article writing is to help the audience get a clearer picture of what the writer thinks, feels, smell, taste, and sees while writing or in other words we can say that the audience want to be in the shoes of the writer.

Objectives of article writing

What is article writing can be better understand if we figure out the objectives of article writing.

  • It can help to shed light on some issues or topics for the audience’s knowledge.
  • It can offer advice and suggestions to the readers.
  • It provides readers with various information regarding current issues or essential facts.
  • It can help to persuade the audience towards something better and helpful for society.

Steps for Good Article Writing

  1. Plan Your Time

First, we have to make a timeline for the key steps to develop an excellent article. The key task should be included in the timeline following:

  1. First, we must read the topic, collect some information, and write speaker notes to help write an article.
  2. In the actual next stage revise and make your final style
  3. Gathering the information from your group and getting ideas from your friends or professors on which we intend to write an article.
    1. Collect Information

To search for information, you must find the key concepts, principles, ideas, and theories that relate well to your article topic.

  1. Go to the library at your university or contact the librarian for a better position.
  2. The important thing is to identify the authors for the topic on which you are writing an article.
  3. Avoid using websites unrelated to your assignments, such as Wikipedia or encyclopedia; most of the assets are variable.
    1. Construct Your Article Structure

Before you start writing an article, create a structure that includes introduction points, your key arguments, and your planned conclusion. It will help you make a hierarchy of your article and cover all its aspects.

  • Heading/Title of the article

The article must start with a title and the main heading of the topic. It should be clear enough to make the reader understand the article’s main focus. It can also contain the name of the writer.

  • Write an Introduction to the article

After covering all the tips for article writing, you are set to write an article. Do most writers struggle with writing an article’s first page? To start any article, you will always start with an introduction in which you cover all the basic information and details of your topic to make your readers understand your learning.

  • Structure Body of the Article

Cover all the collected data using statistics and quotes in the body of your article. Make sure to cite effective evidence to support what you’re covering in your article. The main body of the article must contain two to three paragraphs to cover all the important facts regarding the article.

The first paragraph should be introductive, the second paragraph should focus on the description of the article and the last paragraph should focus on taking the article towards its conclusion or providing any additional information that a writer thinks is important for the article.

  • Conclusion of the article

Many writings end up with a conclusion and the same goes for article writing. The conclusion summarizes your article and is the only chance to present your argument to the reader. It can leave long-lasting if you recall all the claims and problems discussed in the body of the article and must include supporting evidence.

The article’s conclusion must end with an opinion, further arguments, anticipation, or an appeal. Adding recommendations for the reader should also be part of the conclusion.

Tips for article writing

  1. Be Simple

Prefer to adopt a professional, simple, and neutral tone while writing an article. Avoid slang, difficult words, overly familiar phrases, and text speak. Instead, be simple and effective to make it easy for a reader to understand your argument.

  1. Proofreading

Proofreading is a very important tip for article writing as it will help you identify your mistakes, give room to be better, and make your article more effective and up to mark.

  1. Make Sure You Have Covered Every Question

While proofreading your article, keep an eye on your content to check if you answered every question to help your argument be effective and on point. It will help you ensure you have covered all the collected data.

  1. Cut The Text Out

While proofreading your article, find irrelevant or unnecessary things that don’t complement your argument. Don’t hesitate to cut it out if any word or line is extra or doesn’t clarify your argument properly.

  1. Double-Check Grammatical and Spelling Mistakes

Grammatical and spelling errors leave a bad impression on the reader as they distract and look unprofessional. Mistakes can also underline the overall argument and hierarchy of your article. Get online help if you are unsure of the correct word.

Some other tips that can be considered before writing an article are:

  • There should be a purpose for writing an article so that you can easily figure out what type of article you are going to write. It can assist you very well in writing
  • The first and foremost thing is to identify for whom you are writing as you have to address the audience and the topic should be according to their interest.
  • After deciding both of the above points you have to align things up. You have to collect all the required data and after that, you can organize it for better assistance. This technique is useful for any type of article whether it’s persuasive, descriptive, expository or narrative.

Things to keep in Mind while writing an Article

  • Use quotes and facts from similar cases.
  • Don’t be too formal with language.
  • Make sure to use easy words and phrases.
  • Express your views and thoughts.
  • Avoid paragraphs.
  • Select topics related to current affairs.
  • Make the article interesting and the reader must be identified.
  • Make clear statements along with assertions.
  • The article should contain the facts that interest the audience and not only you.
  • The title of the article should be catchy enough to attract the audience.
  • The writer can express his/her views but it is not a positive thing to talk about yourself.
  • The introduction is the major part of an article from which the audience will get an image of the article so it’s better to write it as attractive as you can. One of the attractive ways is to start with an interrogative sentence.
  • It’s a better practice to avoid the repetitive things.
  • The ending of an article must be good enough and it should be logical as well.

Dos in Article Writing

  • Use short clear and explanatory headings.
  • Always target the audience in your article. For that make sure to know who your target audience is based on your article’s topic.
  • Don’t forget to use proper punctuation in your article.
  • Make sure to use simple language or as per your concerned readers.
  • Do write short and to-the-point articles.
  • The whole article should focus on providing information and advice to the readers regarding the topic.

Don’ts in Article Writing

  • Don’t write lengthy articles, avoid writing long paragraphs.
  • The title of the article should be clear and explanatory.
  • The introduction and conclusion should be exciting and not the whole article.
  • It’s necessary to advise or provide information to the readers in only the first paragraph of the article.
  • Article should be easy to understand so it is better to write is as simple as possible.
  • The introduction, main body, and conclusions should only be single paragraphs.
  • Use abbreviations and self-made words as much as you want.

How to Know That the Topic Is in Demand?

The most significant thing to consider in writing an article is choosing the correct topic that is high in demand as well. It’s important to enjoy writing your article it will help you flow the data better and also engage with your readers better. It


In conclusion, article writing is the best option when you want to share your feelings and thoughts with readers around the globe. All the important things related to article writing from the introduction to its types, purpose, tips, and tricks of writing an article along with do’s and don’ts are discussed in detail in this article.

Article writing is a very interesting job for those introverts who have the best ideas and expertise in writing but they can’t share feelings and thoughts face to face.  After reading this article you will be able to understand how to write an effective article.

If you want to become a good article writer for yourself or your company all you have to do is keep writing and continue learning as well because learning can never be stopped and it is a continuous process. This article will help you understand what is article writing and how to write an effective article.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. What is the different types of article?

There are different types of articles that are divided into 4 branches depending on their purpose such as descriptive, narrative, expository, and persuasive. All of them have different purposes.

  1. What different types of written articles are there?

There are different types of articles depending on their purpose i.e.

  • Expository
  • Persuasive
  • Narrative
  • Descriptive
  1. What are the different types of genres in article writing?

There are several genres in article writing. Some of them are

  • Descriptive
  • Expository
  • Persuasive
  • Narrative
  • Technical
  • Poetic
  1. What makes a good article writing?

The article writing can be considered good writing if it is well structured, organized, logical, and has supported arguments.

  1. Is essay writing and article writing the same?

An essay is an extensive composition that is more related to an issue or a specific topic. Whereas an article is written to share in a magazine or any type of publication.

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